Leather Versus Leatherette Seat Covers. Which Ones Are Better?

admin | November 20, 2021 | 1 | Auto


Car upholstery comes in a variety of types, ranging from the basic fabric to different types of leather in the case of luxury vehicles. For people who want the look of leather but do not want to spend that much, there is the option of leatherette. However, there are some huge differences between these two types of custom car seat covers. Check out the pros and cons of opting for leatherette versus leather.

What is leatherette?

Leatherette is a synthetic type of material that is made of vinyl or plastic. It is made to simulate the feel and look of leather. Leatherette is synthetic. It does not harm any animals during its creation. It can be referred to as an Ultrasuede type of material that is made of polyester.

Advantages of opting for leatherette

  • If the quality of leatherette is good, it will be hard to tell the difference whether the material is leatherette or leather.
  • Leatherette is made of vinyl, so it does not harm animals during creation.
  • It is not porous and does not absorb any food or liquid easily. If there is any water, coffee, juice spill etc., it can be easily wiped off. This makes leatherette easy to keep clean and maintained for a longer duration.
  • It is good for families that have kids who are prone to causing spills on the car seats.
  • A good choice for those people who want the luxurious look of leather without the high maintenance and constant cleaning hassle.
  • Leatherette is much cheaper than leather.

The problems with leatherette

  • Leatherette upholstery does not breathe like real leather.
  • During warmer weather, leatherette can become very sticky, especially if you sweat a lot.
  • If you are planning to go for leatherette while living in warmer climates, you should go for ventilated seats.


Leather is the real deal. It is made from the hide of cows. Thus, it is not animal friendly. However, the look and feel of the leather increase the visual and athletic appeal of the car by a huge margin. The most common colors available in the case of leather are brown, black seat and tan car seat covers. If you have a watchful eye, you will be able to figure out the difference between leatherette and leather. Leatherette cannot even come close to leather. It is only a good option if the budget is less or if the family has pets or kids. Unfortunately, leather requires constant cleaning and attention for proper maintenance.

Advantages of opting for leather

  • Good quality leather will feel softer and is generally more blind.
  • Leather gives a soothing aroma to the automobile
  • Improves the aesthetics of the car by leaps and bounds.

Disadvantages of opting for leather

  • Very porous. Therefore, leather absorbs dirt and spills very quickly.
  • It gets discoloured very easily
  • Very easy to scratch. Therefore, leather is not a good option for families with pets or kids.
  • It needs regular care and upkeep; otherwise, will not last for a long period.

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