Factors of choosing different types of glues for PVC piping

admin | October 7, 2021 | 0 | Home Improvement


Using PVC pipes is pretty easy due to its unique fit. The PVC pipes can be used in different types of projects irrespective of the fields of engineering. The designer can easily cut the pipe and place it with another piece of pipe to complete the design. But sometimes it is important to glue two pieces of pipe to keep them fit properly. Now, you cannot use any regular glue to join these two pieces for obvious reasons. The fitter cannot use any normal glue on a PVC pipe as it cannot keep the pieces together. Hence, you need to buy some special types of glue for that.

You need to consider a few factors before choosing a proper glue for your PVC piping. Here are some factors;

For which material?

When you choose glue, you need to know the product you are using in your project. Are you using PVC, CTS, or CPVC? Well, you need different types of glue for all these. There is a color code available for different types of pipes. But if you are confused, please read the instructions printed on the pipe’s outer body. Still, if you are confused with which one you are using, kindly ask the seller you bought these pipes from.

Any code availability?

In the case of plumbing, several codes are involved sometimes. You need to follow some codes to ensure that you have used certain raw materials following the code. You have to use some materials in the correct quantity, as mentioned in the code. So, if there is any code involved in your project, you must check that first and then browse this site and start choosing the type of glue required for the whole thing.

Which type of connection; Threaded end or slip?

In the case of Slip type, one needs to pass a piece of PVC through another piece and join them with cement and PVC primer. The whole process is easy, and there is no tough job involved. But when it comes to opening the joint, it is one of the toughest things to do. But when you are choosing the Threaded end type of joining, you are using pipe dope or PVC sealant to join the ends. Now, it is very easy to open such joints. When you join the pipe ends in this way, it will give you a wonderful finish. But you can easily open it too! So, choose the types of connection you need for the project and pick the proper adhesive.

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Type of project:

Your choice of adhesive depends on the type of project you are going for. If you are going to create something temporary, adhesives work the best. If you are looking for a permanent solution, then you have to look for PVC primer and cement. You can browse this site and go through the perfect type of product for your project. So, decide which type of project you are looking for and choose a perfect product for that. You will find several high-end materials available in the market. Please read through the reviews available online and choose a reputed product for your project.

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