How to build the right backlinks with SEO link building & link building services!

admin | December 2, 2020 | 1 | Digital Marketing


Quality links are a valuable part of a website as it helps in improving the website rankings on a search engine. A website should be visible and should make use of good SEO campaigns which is a big factor that influences link building.

Perfect Link Building Services that are provided by various SEO agencies help websites rank higher as a result of well-designed SEO link building campaigns. Many affordable packages offered by these agencies focus on both SEO Link Building.

Search engines don’t look only for content while identifying how relevant a webpage can be. It checks for the number of links directed from other websites, along with the quality of those websites as well. Link building does not mean using keywords in content and wishing for website links. It involves the process of outreach, keyword research, content creation and publishing of the content on your website.

Tips for Building the Right Links

Keyword Research

 If a brand performs a great keyword research, it can set the foundation for link building. But before contacting any website for link building, identify the anchor texts that would help the campaign succeed.

 Using various tools to identify the right keywords and implementing them can help in good performance of SEO campaigns. Agencies can also get hold of certain free and paid tools that can provide more insights on keyword volume, backlink analysis and even competitor analysis.

It’s essential to rank the keywords for which you would build the links to gain optimum results. Provide priority to anchor texts that can create the most impact on the business and focus on keywords that get the maximum amount of traffic. Let’s look at some effective ways to build the right links.

Content Creation & Publishing

Most blogging websites may have some guidelines regarding content writing when they allow guest posts or otherwise. Make sure that you follow the guidelines and publish the post or comments. Many agencies do content writing by including keywords that are required.

Asking for a guest post and backlink can be done in a polite way. The brand should not be pushy or compel the prospects or influencers. Sending a follow-up message won’t do any harm. Also, a polite and brief follow-up message can motivate them to take action.

Guest Blogging

Guest posting can be one of the tactics that help to build links for SEO. This is when brands may reach out to an authoritative site and offer to publish an article for backlinks.

Guest posting is an excellent tactic in building relationships and can work wonders if it is taken care of in the right way. It can help elevate your website rankings.


Content is necessary for any sort of online activity. When it comes to a brand, the requirements for promotion are content and information. Outreach means politely reaching out to authoritative websites in your niche market and introducing yourself. Once the authoritative website identifies your website and if they feel your content is worthy of a link, they would provide a backlink.

There are a few tools that help in identifying the websites that have mentioned your brand without any backlinks. Reach out to them for backlinks.

Niche Edits

The brand reaches out to people in their niche market and requests for a link in the existing articles rather than the new ones. This can help build quality backlinks from web pages that are already indexed by search engines.

There are high chances that the websites would provide backlinks for the published articles as it gives them a chance to update the articles.

Niche edits is a cost-effective approach to build proper links as the content already exists on the website.

Broken Link Building

Broken links are the links which do not work. If you find that a website has a broken link, it is a matter of concern. In case the link was leading to a competitor website, your brand can utilize this opportunity to your advantage. You can get in touch with the website owner to replace the broken link with that of your brand. Gaining backlinks can strengthen a website and rank it higher.

Various tools help identify broken links on any page. Pages with outbound links like resource pages would mostly have nonfunctional links.

If you happen to identify any broken links in a website, your brand can draft an email to the webmasters of that particular website stating admiration for their work and the value your website link could add to their website!

Link Building Strategies for SEO

  • Promotion: It means promoting your website through word-of-mouth as it can influence people to look at the content.
  • Reviews and Opinions: Adding a review column can be helpful as it helps the audience to engage with your content and increase the authority of the website. Most bloggers share valuable comments and feedback.
  • Take Help from Friends and Relatives: Seeking help from friends and relatives to comment or respond on your website can be a great way to start website engagement. It is a time-consuming process but it would boost website ranking if done in the right way.
  • Create awareness on Social Media: Establishing a strong presence on social media can help boost awareness on a company, its products or services. When people find your content on social media, they would visit your website. This can help boost conversions and sales. Posting on social media and sharing the content can help spread the word regarding your brand or business. This can help in gaining backlinks for your brand.
  • Observing Competitors Backlinks: A brand can make use of tools to easily monitor backlinks of competitor websites. Many agencies like offer services such as SEO link building. Such tools can be helpful when you observe a recent jump or boost in search rankings. A brand can adopt a link building strategy after proper research. Agencies that provide link building services can design a strategy and implement link building to assure you double the profit. If competitors can gain many links from a specific site, chances are high that your brand may also be eligible for the same.

Having a specific or custom designed link building strategy is important. An agency can easily analyze and determine what works best for a brand, as agencies have clarity about trends. They also know how competitors work in various niche markets. They can keep an eye on competitor activity and modify the strategies implemented for your brand, to get optimal results from link building activities.

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