What are the Possible Reasons for a Clogged Drainage System?

admin | September 9, 2021 | 0 | Home Improvement


“Prevention is better than cure”, this adage holds good in every aspect. The old wisdom is often ignored by residents who, despite seeing all the signs of blocked drains right in front of them, ignore them and later on suffer the ramifications of their ignorance. It is better to nip the problem in the bud rather than letting it grow and cause issues.

To get rid of plumbing-related issues, it is better that you consult the best experts in the market. If you stay in Sydney, you are in luck because Wilco plumbing services will be at your home at just an appointment. They have the best team to solve the blocked drains Sydneybased clients. Their services are best in quality.

Their team of experts is trained to deal with all types of issues that may come up in a bad drainage system. They are well known for their work ethics. Their work is completed in time with impeccable quality. If the drainage issue drops a surprise visit at your house, then you can easily contact them and avail the benefit of their 24*7 services.

Signs of bad drainage system

There are a few signs, which may signify a potential problem that must be looked into and if not checked properly, may lead to serious drainage issues.

1- Slow drains – this is the most basic and initial sign of a blocked drainage system. This can be a common sight in the kitchen where the food scraps may clog the pipe. If the problem is not attended in a timely fashion, then the issue will only grow in compounding sizes and will ultimately exact a professional plumbing expert.

2- Toilet water rising – blocked drains have an impact on the toilets as well. They block the downstream. Continued and over-time collection of hair, paper, wipes, and other things which are flushed down leads to the failure of the toilet to flush things down. This leads to an increase in the water level. The rising water level is the first sign of this issue.

3- Noisy pipes – bizarre sounds coming from the toilet are not a good omen. Ideally, the toilet must be silent except for the time when flush is used. If you hear a gurgling sound from the pipe when the toilet is not being used, then there is an issue with the drainage.

4- Bad smell – surprisingly, a bad smell also insinuates that there is a problem in the drainage system. Since the accumulation of waste is blocking the passage of water, that waste in presence of water starts to stink and rot. They begin to decompose and hence the filthy foul smell.


The best and the wisest thing that you can do when seeing any of these writings on the wall is to call an expert plumber to solve the issues. Blocked drains and leaking pipes only grow with time and if not solved in advance, the impending plumbing issues will be far worse. You should timely act on seeing these red flags.

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